
What is Veganism

Veganism is the way of life according to which humans avoid participating in activities and products that are produced through the imprisonment/abuse/murder of animals.

That is, a vegan person does not eat or buy animal products, such as meat, dairy, eggs and honey. He/she also does not wear fur, leather, wool and silk, does not use cosmetics, detergents or other products tested on laboratory animals and does not visit circuses and parks/zoos with animals in captivity.

"Why should I go vegan?"

Vegan for the animals

Trillions of animals in the world are imprisoned, abused and murdered in the worst possible way. The least we owe to animals is not to fund their abuse.

Vegan for the environment

Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation and water pollution and causes more pollution than all other industrial sources combined and all public transport.

Vegan for health

The vegan diet is suitable for all stages of the life cycle. It is also suitable for athletes and helps prevent and treat various diseases, such as cancer and diabetes.

Information about Veganism

We suggest you watch one of the speeches below, which will fascinate and inspire you to learn more about veganism.

All the videos below have subtitles.

Vegan videos for kids